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The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

Prinzregentenstraße 3
80538 München
Telefon: 089 21124-01

Visit Highlights
Foto Gebaeude BNM copyright Stephan Rumpf

The "Schatzhaus an der Eisbachwelle" is one of the largest museums in Germany. It displays exceptional art from late antiquity up to art nouveau, and explains European cultural history in Bavaria in a unique way. With the successive renewal of its display collections and exciting special exhibits it creates bridges between the past and the present.




Sun 11.00 - 12.00 Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

Pillar saints, niche figures and statues

Sculpture tasks and techniques. German guided tour. Dr. Sigrid Epp The guided tour is free of charge. The entrance ticket to the museum is valid.


Kids & Families

Sun 15.00 - 16.00 Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

Gänsehaut im Museum

German guided tour for kids and families. Dr. Susanne Franke



Sun 16.00 - 17.30 Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

The First Booke of Songs

Zwischen Mars & Venus XVII: Margherita, Settima und Francesca Caccini. Konzertkarten inkl. Museumseintritt unter www.joelfrederiksen.com/de/ticketverkauf bzw. München-Ticket…

The nativity scene season is open!

Sammlung Krippe 108 D130259

Our world-famous Nativity scenes can now be visited again during the usual opening hours.

Nativity Scenes

Top 12

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Gebaeude bei Nacht Barocker Luxus

The Bayerische Nationalmuseum has always been, since the time I’ve been going to Munich, an endless source of inspiration to me.

Kiki Smith (*1954), New York artist