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Online Collection

Foto D139724 neu The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum’s online collection is continuously updated and expanded and provides access to a large selection of its works. It only offers a window into objects exhibited at the museum but also includes holdings from its depot and its nine branch museums.

All data for the online collection comes directly from the museum's internal research database. Use the full-text search to search for individual objects as well as essential information available on literature and provenance of the works. The advanced search module offers filter options for targeted and in-depth research.

The online collection is only available in German.

Technical background

The first database based on the HIDA system was introduced in 1989. The main stock of digital data, which still forms the basis of the object database today, dates from the period between 1992 and 1994.

A comprehensive collection management system was set up under GOS. Metadata and digitised images were finally migrated to GOSbyAPS, the APS system adapted for use in the BNM. It not only processes all object-related data from all departments involved and manages all images, but also supports all processes in the life cycle of an object (e.g. access, loan, exhibition, restoration).

In our online collection you will currently find a stock of selected objects. They are extracted from the collection management system and integrated into the content management system. Research can be carried out using the search function on the homepage or directly via the online collection. The collection is regularly updated and successively expanded.