Wed Telefon
16.00 - 17.00CANCELLED: Telefonführung
Besonderes aus Porzellan und Silber. Edle Metalle, kostbares Porzellan und filigrane Gläser waren Bestandteile der Tisch- und Tafelkultur früherer Jahrhunderte. In den Sammlungen…
Thu Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
18.00 - 19.00Elector Karl Theodor
His health and porcelain. German guided tour. Dr. Katharina Hantschmann The guided tour is free of charge. The entrance ticket to the museum is valid.
Thu Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
20.00 - 21.30Die Winterreise / The Winterjourney
Franz Schubert: Die Winterreise (The Winter Journey). Tickets: Die Winterreise / Munich — JOEL FREDERIKSEN
Fri Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
14.00 - 16.00Kultursalon+
A program in German for the Generation Plus. The free events in German are aimed specifically at people who are financially limited and/or who would like morecontact with others.…
Sun Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
10.00 - 16.30Porcelain flowers
German guided workshop für curious. Iris Schabert, freischaffende KünstlerinRegistration necessary:
Sun Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
11.00 - 12.00Knives. Clubs. Donkey bones
Violence in the art of the early modern period. German guided tour. Alexander Brockhoff
Sun Burg Trausnitz in Landshut
14.00 - 15.00Burg Trausnitz 1568
The splendid life of Prince Wilhelm and Princess Renata at the Landshut Court. German guided tour. Registration necessary: 0049 871 92411-15 (daily) In cooperation with…
Sun Bayerisches Nationalmuseum
15.00 - 16.00Winter ade!
... hallo springtime. German guided tour with Dr. Susanne Franke