The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum


Foto Gebaeude BNM copyright Stephan Rumpf

The "Schatzhaus an der Eisbachwelle" is one of the largest museums in Germany. It displays exceptional art from late antiquity up to art nouveau, and explains European cultural history in Bavaria in a unique way. With the successive renewal of its display collections and exciting special exhibitions it creates bridges between the past and the present.

Mission statement


The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum collects, preserves and explores unique testimonies to the art, culture and history of Bavaria and its ties throughout Europe from Late Antiquity up until the early 20th century. To ensure that the museum continues to be cutting edge, we are continually expanding the collection to include objects up to the present day.

The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum is unwavering in its determination to reaffirm the relevance of arts, culture and cultural education. As an vibrant institution for the mediation of art, the museum aims to convey cultural history through its collections, exhibitions and publications. Our goal is to convey knowledge in a generally accessible and lively manner and inspire enthusiasm and curiosity in a broad public. We are intent on providing orientation in an increasingly complex world characterised by growing social and technological challenges.

The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum works in an interdisciplinary, competent, critical, responsible and committed manner to realise its mission. To this end, it promotes cultural identity, creates the conditions for constructive dialogue and strives to participate in current social issues and discourses.

The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum provides a space for the public – regardless of age, origin, education and religion – to discover and experience cultural and historical heritage. The museum is committed to freedom of opinion, art and science, and to respect for all cultures.



About 150 individuals from a wide range of professions work at the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum. These include specialists from the fields of art history, ethnology, history, restoration, museology and education. They are joined by administrative specialists, professionals in museum technology, information technology, artisans from various trades as well as security, supervisory and cleaning staff. The comprehensive team ensures that everything runs smoothly at this treasure trove, which is located next to the English Garden on Munich's Prinzregentenstrasse, and its nine branch museums where they are supported by local forces.

Haupthaus 1915 detail

Scorching hot, walk and Nationalmuseum.

Hedwig Pringsheim, Diary, 5 June 1921




Thu 18.00 - 19.00 Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

Sensational rediscovery

Der Jugendstilbucheinband von Peter Behrens. German guided tour. Dr. Astrid Scherp-Langen



Fri 14.00 - 16.00 Bayerisches Nationalmuseum


A program in German for the Generation Plus. The free events in German are aimed specifically at people who are financially limited and/or who would like more contact with others.…



Sun 11.00 - 12.00 Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

Matinèe: La danse de cour

Suiten und Tänze des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Junge Musiker spielen auf dem originalen Cembalo von Jean Henri Hemsch aus Paris von 1754 in Saal 88 unserer Sammlung. Studierende…